WCUSD #5 often receives requests from other organizations to distribute information to students. The Virtual Backpack will provide users with a site to access information from non-profit organizations, intergovernmental agencies, and business partners. Letters, flyers, fundraiser notices, etc. will be posted on the website under virtual backpack.

All requests to post information on the Virtual Backpack must be approved by the superintendent. Groups that wish to post information should first email a PDF of the flyer to Devin Curtis (dcurtis@wcusd5.net) at least two weeks prior to the desired posting date. Please include a short description, desired grade range, and posting dates in your email. Once the flyer has been approved by the superintendent, you will receive an email confirmation and be notified your flyer will be posted on the Virtual Backpack.

4-H Gardnerbuds

Cub Scouts K-5 Information

Cub Scouts Ages 11-18 Information

Singers Company