Hello Gardner Families!
Picture day is next Thursday, August 26th. Students should come home with an order form today or Monday. If your student is not at school, or needs another form, we have plenty of extras in the office. You can also order online by visiting mylifetouch.com and use the code EVTJ7DZNH. Please send order forms and money in with students on picture day. Students will hand their order directly to the photographer. If you order online you do not need to send in anything with your student on picture day. Thank you!
Hello Gardner families! As I am sure you are aware, our in-person learners will be returning to remote learning tomorrow. If your child was an in-person learner, his/her supplies will be ready for pick up in the classroom at 10:00 Monday. At 1:00, all supplies will be moved outside by the main entrance and will be in totes labeled with your child's homeroom teacher. Please be sure to bring your child's backpack or bags to pick up supplies. Your child's homeroom teacher will be sending you an email with specifics about this week. Reminder: Monday is crazy sock day, and Tuesday is PJ day. Send pictures to bulldogfun@wcusd5students.net. The office is open from 7:30-4:00. Please don't hesitate to call if you have questions (939-3060). We hope everyone has a safe and healthy Thanksgiving! Take care!
Gardner Families,
Thank you for your patience this morning with the MiineHealth App. It appears to be working now. There is an app update for those with an iPhone. Please self-certify your child if you haven't already. The office completed the certification for parents who called the office. If you have questions, let us know. Have a great day!
Gardner families,
Please see the attached letter for information about this week. Thanks!
Gardner families,
Please read the attached letter about the Return to In-Person Learning. Thank you for your continued support and patience!
Waterloo Families,
All students will need an internet ready device (other than a phone) with a keyboard, camera, and microphone to engage in remote learning. If you need assistance with acquiring a device or internet access, please complete the Technology/Internet Access Survey below. Someone will be contacting those who state they need assistance within the next two weeks.
Please read the attached letter from WCUSD#5 for information on remotely starting the 2020-2021 school year.
Hey Gardner Bulldogs....Thanks for all of your hard work this year. Have a great summer! We will miss you!
Our Gardner teachers and staff want to let everyone know how special our students are to us and how much we truly miss them! Stay safe, stay healthy and stay #BulldogStrong!
Another wonderful performance by Mrs. Ziegler and our fifth grade chorus students!
We are so proud of our spelling bee participants! Congratulations to our runner up, Connor, and our winner, William! William will advance to the Regional Spelling Bee in April.
We hope you are enjoying your snow days! Email your favorite snow day picture to us at bulldogfun@wcusd5.net. We are looking forward to seeing our students in pajamas tomorrow! Be safe and have fun!
McTeacher's Night is tonight! Instead of cooking tonight head to McDonald's! Gardner staff will be there from 4-8!
Last call to be guaranteed a shirt for the Bulldog Color Run on Saturday! Please turn in registration forms tomorrow morning to any school office!
Denny's is holding a special fundraiser for the family of Trooper Hopkins. They will donate 100% of their proceeds from all purchases from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11th.
We hope you enjoyed your weekend! Please send your end of summer fun pictures to bulldogfun@wcusd5students.net so we can add them to the display in the cafeteria. We are looking forward to seeing our superheroes back at headquarters tomorrow!
Friday, August 30th is a half day of school. Town students are dismissed at 11:10 and bus students are dismissed at 11:25.
Don't forget! Tomorrow, Thursday, August 29th is Picture Day at Gardner Elementary!
Don’t forget! Tomorrow is Paw Pride Friday! Wear orange and black!
The 4th annual Bulldog Color Run is scheduled for September 28th at 5:30pm. We'd love to see you all there! Click here to register: https://5il.co/9lsc