Daily Bulletin
February 9th, 2024
General Announcements
Feeling cooped up and have the winter blues? We have something for you. All members of WHS clubs/Activities /Sports
are invited to join a Bowling Tournament on Sunday, February 18th from 6-8 pm. See your coach/sponsor or Señora Koeneman for questions and registration forms. Forms are due by Feb. 13th. Space is limited.
Reminder for Saturday Scholars, the bus will leave at 8:15 a.m. on Saturday. See you in the morning!
The NHS Blood Drive is Thursday, February 15th in the Secondary Gym. If you are at least 16, weigh at least 110 pounds, and would like to help save lives, see Mr. Brueggeman in the math hallway room B210 to sign up. Please help us reach our goal of 80 usable pints from our students and staff.
I'm a sucker for you! The freshman class will be selling suckers for $1 during lunch and from select class representatives, February 1st through the 14th. There's over twenty flavors available! All proceeds will go to the freshman class prom fund.
The following student has a book to be picked up in the library: Jax Chitty
Students: This Monday, Feb 12th, we will be looking for perfect attendance classrooms. The first 3 teachers that call in to report perfect attendance to the office for 1st hour, will win doughnuts for the class. Teachers: Please read the Friday update email for specific details.
Congratulations to the following classes for winning a hot chocolate party:
Today's winners are:
1st hour: Mrs. Crockett & Senora Koeneman
2nd hour: Mrs. Wirth & Senora Bemenderfer
Thank you for being outstanding students at WHS!
Are you lonely? Do you need a new best friend or significant other? If so, stop by the Match-o-Matic table during LOVAPALOOZA February 12 - 14 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) to see who your soul mate is. Wooden roses for your Valentine will also be available. Match-o-Matics are $3 and roses are $1.00.
Please sign up on the guidance website for college visits
Illinois College: February 13th
SWIC February 27th
McKendree University March 4th
University of Missouri @ Kansas City March 5th
The Air Force ROTC will be here on Monday February 12th @ 10:30 to speak with any student interested in learning more about their ROTC scholarship program. Sign up under college visits if interested.
4:30pm Boys JV Basketball at Jerseyville
4:30pm Girls JV Basketball at Jerseyville
5:00pm Boys Varsity Wrestling at IHSA Individual Sectionals
6:00pm Boys Freshman Basketball at Jerseyville
6:00pm Girls Varsity Basketball at Jerseyville
7:30pm Boys Varsity Basketball at Jerseyville
Chicken Strips or Fish sandwich
Sala Bar: Pasta with Meatsauce