Today's Scholar Bowl match has been changed to a practice.
The Chess meet scheduled for after school today has been cancelled.
All WJHS students are invited to join Focus Point. This is a free youth program affiliated with Kids for Christ that meets on Mondays after school in the cafeteria for Bible-based lessons, games, snacks, and more. Pick up a registration form in the main office if you'd like to join this group for the winter session. The first meeting will be Monday, Jan. 22 from 2:45-4:30.
Are you interested in being on a stage? Do you like to solve mysteries? If so, please consider auditioning for the WJHS spring play. Auditions will be held January 18th and 19th in room 216 after school at 3:20 in the afternoon. For more information, please sign up on the glass case near the main office from January 12th to January 17th.
Jr. High Cheer won 1st place at the Cougar Invite at Breese.