
All WJHS students are invited to join Focus Point. This is a free youth program affiliated with Kids for Christ that meets on Mondays after school in the cafeteria for Bible-based lessons, games, snacks, and more. Pick up a registration form in the main office if you'd like to join this group for the winter session. The first meeting will be Monday, Jan. 22 from 2:45-4:30.

Thank you to those of you who auditioned last night, we hope you enjoyed the process and had a great time. To those of you who are auditioning tonight, auditions may run until 4:30; please plan to be picked up later than the originally scheduled 4:15 time. For those of you who are interested in being involved in the crew for the play, more information will be made available later on.

Congratulations to the Scholar Bowl team on their first match of the season with a win against New Athens.