
Reminder to all students: If you are assigned to working lunch, it is your responsibility to remember and attend. If you fail to show up when you have been assigned, you will be moved to the next day. It will also count toward your total for the quarter. When you reach 3 assigned working lunches, your parents are contacted. When you have earned 5 working lunches, you will also receive a detention referral. To avoid all of this - complete in-class assignments and homework on time!

We are excited to announce the 3rd quarter behavior incentive! On March 22, we will have our annual TRIVIA NIGHT! Students who earn 3 strikes between Jan 25 and March 8 will NOT be eligible to take part in this fun activity. As always, detentions count as 1 strike, Alt Rm counts as 2 strikes, and out-of-school suspension is automatically 3 strikes. Stay tuned for more details about getting a team together for this big event.

All student council members should attend the meeting during study hall on Monday in the cafeteria.

Congrats to the scholar bowl team for their wins against Millstadt and Columbia!