
Are you interested in being in this year’s talent show on the last day of school? This year’s auditions will be May 1st and 2nd from 3-4:00. Sign up for an audition time in the lobby outside the office! There may be a wait list, so sign up early to secure an audition spot!

There will be a gamers club today in the library after school until 3:45. Come hang out with friends and play a few board games.

Break out your bright colors and neon for the Spring Dance on Friday, May 3. We will be dancing under the black lights from 6:00-8:00. 8th graders can stay an extra half hour until 8:30. If dancing isn't your thing, you can also come hang out in the cafeteria with friends and play board games. Tickets are $5 and will be sold during the week before.