Congratulations to two more Students of Character for 1st Quarter! Mrs. Schilling - Rylee Cocos Mrs. Meyers - Cayle Coughlin
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Congratulations to three more of our Students of Character for 1st quarter! Mrs. Clinebell - Kylie Rauh Mrs. Pontious - Cole Ludwig Mrs. Imm - Charli Major
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Over the next few days, we will be recognizing our Students of Character from 1st quarter. Congratulations to the following students that received their awards today: Mr. Ivers - Lucas Gann Mrs. Moore - Jadyn Hensiek Mrs. Walthes - Iris Adkins
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Next week at WJHS, we will have a spirit week! Monday- Wear orange and black (at home or at school) Tuesday- Wear school appropriate Halloween costumes Wednesday- Wear school appropriate Halloween costumes Just a reminder that parent teacher conferences are next Thursday and Friday. The sign up is linked below. Have a great rest of the week! - WJHS
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS Parents & Students - This is a reminder that there is no school tomorrow, October 9th or Monday, October 12th. We will see "B" day students on Tuesday, October 13th to begin 2nd quarter! Please remember next week to certify your student's health each morning. Have a great extended weekend, WJHS
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Parents & Guardians, This is a friendly reminder to certify your child's health each morning by using the Miine Health app prior to arriving at 7:35am. If you need any assistance with the app, please call our secretaries at 939-3457 and they can assist you! Have a terrific Tuesday! -WJHS
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Parents & Students: We are very excited to welcome students back beginning tomorrow. Please remember to send your child with a mask. Please read through this message for last minute information. Student Rotation “A” students should attend on Mondays and Wednesdays. “B” students should attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All students will be remote on Fridays. Drop-Off Times and Locations: 7:35-7:50 6th/7th grade- Main north entrance at the crosswalk from either direction or the parking lot across from the north entrance. There will be a sign at the crosswalk and a crossing guard. 8th grade- South entrance at the end of the median if driving north or crosswalk if driving south. There will be a sign at the end of the median and a crossing guard in the crosswalk. Student Arrival: We will be taking temperatures at the door. Students should report directly to their 1st hour class when they arrive to school. Please have your child check Skyward for 1st hour class information. We will provide your child with a printed schedule during 1st hour. Pick-Up Time and Locations Dismissal for town students will begin at 12:05 You may pick students up from either entrance in the front by pulling into an open space. You may also pick students up from the parking lot behind the south gym or the parking lot across from the main north entrance. Certify Students Please be sure to certify that your child is symptom free using the Miine Health App. Students who are not certified prior to school will be pulled from 1st hour in order to be certified. School Supplies- Please bring the following in a backpack (no lockers will be used): Charged Chromebook or device Earbuds Clear water bottle Folder for each class Notebook/paper Pencils Calculator Hand sanitizer/extra mask See you soon!
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS Cheerleading Tryout Information Please see the link below for dates, a sign up form, and important information. All athletes must have a current physical on file with the nurse to tryout.
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Waterloo Junior High School Parents, Please visit the link below for information regarding our planned return to in-person learning on September 30th. Included is a link to a survey we would like all parents to complete by Monday. Thank you! Dr. Schwartz & Mrs. Cruser
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
We hope you had a great first week of school! It was awesome interacting with so many of you on Zoom! Always remember that it’s a lot easier to keep up than to catch up. If you ever need assistance, please reach out to your teachers. We’re here to help! #WJHSAsOne
over 4 years ago, Nick Schwartz
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Orange and Black
Orange and Black
Orange and Black
Orange and Black
Mrs. Rau and Mr. Keim teamed up to create a perspective chalk art drawing at WHS. This lesson is one of the exciting ways that our art teachers will present material remotely!
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Perspective Drawing
Perspective Drawing 2
WJHS Parents - Tomorrow is the first day of school!! We can't wait to begin this year together! If your child has not done so yet, please ask them to sign into Google Classroom and join each of their classes. If they do not see a class listed, please have them contact their teacher. Email addresses can be found at: We will also have another virtual orientation this evening at 6pm. If you'd like to join us, you can find the login information here: If you can't make it, the WJHS Remote Learning Student Handbook will give you a good overview of how things will look remotely. In addition, always feel free to contact Dr. Schwartz at or me at if you have any questions. Have a great start to the school year tomorrow! - Mrs. Cruser #WJHSAsOne
over 4 years ago, Amber Cruser
Parents,   Please complete the Zoom Permission Form linked below by August 18th for EACH child attending Waterloo Junior High School. Thank you, Mrs. Cruser
over 4 years ago, Amber Cruser
6th grade parents & guardians, Although we are beginning the year with remote instruction, we will still need updated physicals and dental exams on file for each student.  You can drop these off tomorrow when you pick up your math workbook.  If you do not yet have these forms complete, please email Stacy Davis at with your appointment date(s).  She can keep this on file until you are able to turn in all completed paperwork.   Thank you! Mrs. Cruser
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS Parents: A few reminders for this week and next: Thursday, 8/13 8am - 6pm (main lobby): - 6th grade math workbooks (all 6th graders) - Chromebook pick up (those that requested) - Yearbook pick up (those that did not pick up over the summer) Virtual Orientation: Monday 8/17 @ 1pm and Tuesday 8/18 @6pm. Links attached in letter below. 1st Day of School: Wednesday, August 19th. All students should check in to all Google Classrooms and participate accordingly. We can't wait to get started this year! #WJHSAsOne - Dr. Schwartz & Mrs. Cruser
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Cross Country practice will begin August 19th from 3:15-4:45pm. You must have a current physical on file to attend. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Coach Sebestik at
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
WJHS Parents: As we approach the beginning of the 2020-21 school year, I wanted to share some important information. Please see the attached document for details about orientations, Chromebook and 6th grade math workbook pick-up, and schedules. Please feel free to contact the school office at 939-3457 with any questions or concerns that you might have. We are looking forward to a great (unlike any other) year! #WJHSAsOne
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Parents, Following is the link for information on Junior High tryouts. This is a fluid situation and as we get more guidance we will have more information. Please look over the attached sheet to see when tryouts are and information over the guidelines for tryouts. Thank you for your patience. - Coach Unger, AD
over 4 years ago, Waterloo Junior High School
Waterloo Families, All students will need an internet ready device (other than a phone) with a keyboard, camera, and microphone to engage in remote learning.  If you need assistance with acquiring a device or internet access, please complete the Technology/Internet Access Survey below. Someone will be contacting those who state they need assistance within the next two weeks. -WCUSD#5
over 4 years ago, Waterloo CUSD #5