All performances will be at the Waterloo High School Auditorium. If you have any questions regarding the performances, times, etc. please send an email to your teacher or Mrs. Gardner, or call the school on Tues after 7:30am. Thank you. Stay warm & be safe today.
over 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
With no school tomorrow, Monday, Dec. 16th, the Kindergarten Christmas Program will also be cancelled. A message will be sent by tomorrow evening with the details on when the program will be rescheduled. Thank you. Stay warm and be safe.
over 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Thank you to everyone who attended Santa's Breakfast & made the event a success! Special THANKS to Monica, Stacy, & the staff for all your help, & Kelton Davis from the ROE for taking pictures.Mrs. Rolerkite's class won the pizza party, & Billy S & Carrie S won the raffles.
over 4 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Message:This is the last week to turn in raffle tickets to be drawn at Santa's Breakfast.You don't need to be present to win.The Breakfast is full.We are not taking anymore reservations. WJZ Food Drive, Dec 3-13 for our character word CARING.Flyer is in students' folders.
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Please send your child with socks tomorrow, Nov. 26. We have our Bounce House-Inflatables Reward Day today for our Character Word of the Month, PEACE. Classes have earned this by being peaceful & using conversation voices in the cafeteria at lunch time!
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Message: This Wednesday is early dismissal at 11:10am. There is no school Thursday or Friday for Thanksgiving Break. We would like to wish all our families a Happy Thanksgiving!
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
First Graders will have a Thanksgiving meal lunch choice instead of Zoo Crew Nuggets tomorrow, Monday, Nov. 25, for their Thanksgiving Activities Day. This is for students that choose to have the school lunch. Students may still bring their own lunch.
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
We have had an overwhelming response to reservations for Santa's Breakfast & are already at our limit. We will accept reservations through the end to of the day Wednesday, Nov. 20th. If you plan to attend, please return your form today or tomorrow. Thank you
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Morning Message: Our office closes at 4pm. If you need to pick up student homework after 4pm you will need to enter through the Kennel Klub door off of Depuyt Street. There is a bookshelf with the students work right in side this door. Thank you & have a great week!
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
There are 200 reservations for Santa's Breakfast! Don't wait to make your reservation for this event. It's a fun event for our students and their families.
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Wednesday-Monday Morning Message: Santa Breakfast forms were sent home last week. If you plan to attend please turn this in by Wednesday, Nov. 27th. Reminder that tomorrow we wear BLUE for Diabetes Awareness Day!
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Just in case you didn't get the message last night... School is closed today due to the very cold temperatures. Stay warm today. See everyone tomorrow, Wednesday .
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, November 11 in honor of Veterans Day.
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder for all families that signed up to attend FAMILY READING NIGHT tonight, Nov. 7th: The event is from 5:30-7:00pm, in the gym & cafeteria. You're welcome to stay for awhile or the whole time.There will be lots of reading activities, and pizza & lemonade. See you tonight!
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Messages: For the those that signed up for Family Reading Night, it is this Thursday from 5:30-7pm! Picture retakes are this Friday, Nov. 8th. There is no school next Monday in honor of Veterans Day. Have a great week!
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Our parade is cancelled for today due to the cold temperatures, wind chill is 20 degrees.The students are enjoying Halloween activities this morning & will have their costume parties this afternoon. Stay safe this evening, keep warm, & thanks for understanding. Happy Halloween!
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
The weather doesn't look promising for our parade tomorrow. A message will be sent tomorrow by 11:30 to let you know if the parade is still on or cancelled. Please still send your child's costume with them. We will still have our class parties & dress up for some Halloween fun!
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Reminder: Thursday is our Halloween Parade at 1pm. Signs will be posted telling you where to go to watch the parade. If it rains, there will not be a parade. The students will still dress up and have their classroom party.
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Red Ribbon Week Oct. 28-Nov.1 Monday- Wear Red. "I see RED when I think of drugs." Tuesday-Wear Tropical. "Lei off of drugs." Wednesday-P.J. Day. "Put drugs to sleep." Thursday-Halloween Costumes for Parade. "Scare drugs away. Friday-Wear Orange & Black. "Orange & Black Attack!"
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder: No school tomorrow or Friday for students. Parent/Teacher Conferences are Thursday & Friday. Enjoy the weekend!
almost 5 years ago, Mary Gardner