Monday Morning Message: P/T Conferences are Thurs & Fri. There is no school for students. If you are unsure of your conference time, contact your child's teacher or call the office. Remember to tell your children that you are proud of them & love them! Have a marvelous Monday.
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Morning Reminders: Parent-Teacher Conferences are next Thursday & Friday, Oct. 24 & 25. If you haven't made an appointment with your teacher, sign up using Skyward. Anyone wanted a Cardinal Calendar send your order in by Oct. 23. Have a fabulous week everyone!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder: No school Fri., Oct. 11 & Mon., Oct. 14. Congratulations to Mrs. Buettner's 1st grade class for selling the most candy bars & getting a pizza party! Top Sellers: 1st Brady Drewes, 2nd Oliver Niles & 3rd William Juenger & Jordan Korves! Thanks everyone for the support.
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Morning Reminders: Parent-Teacher sign ups begin this week. Tues & Wed students will be visiting the Fire Station. Your permission form needs to be signed & returned. Wednesday is the Homecoming Parade at 6pm on Main St. There is no school on Friday. Have a wonderful week!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder: All Candy Bar Fund Raiser money is due today. Make checks to WJ Zahnow Activity Fund. Thanks for your support. Happy Friday!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Wear BLUE to school tomorrow, Wednesday, for the St. Louis Blues game. Wear RED on Thursday for the St. Louis Cardinals post season game vs. the Braves. Wear ORANGE & BLACK on Friday and show your Bulldog spirit!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Morning Message:Candy Bar money is due this Fri. Reminders: Anyone picking a student up must be on the emergency contact list. If not, the person will have to go to the office with a driver's license.Don't forget to call our office if your child is sick. Have a great week!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, & guardians that volunteered this week to help with the field trip, centers, apple pie making & other student activities. We appreciate YOU! REMINDER: Tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 28, 5:30-7:00 is our annual Bulldog Color Run!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Tomorrow, 9/25/19 is the Kindergarten Field Trip. Reminders: Only parents on their teacher's chaperone list, with a school background check, may attend. Students have to ride the bus there & back to school. Students should wear comfortable clothes & shoes. See everyone tomorrow!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Last call to be guaranteed a shirt for the Bulldog Color Run on Saturday! Please turn in registration forms tomorrow morning to any school office!
over 5 years ago, Waterloo CUSD #5
Happy Monday! Kindergarten has their field trip this Wed. We have extra boxes of chocolates if you want to sell more:12 Variety & 1 Caramel.Call the office. 939-3458. Show kindness today. "You cannot do a kindness too soon, because you never know how soon it will be too late."
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Congratulations to Kindergarten student Ben Mitan on winning the $25 of books from our Book Fair! Tomorrow is Friday...Wear ORANGE & BLACK and show your school spirit!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
School Picture day is tomorrow, Thursday, September 19th. It is also the last day for our Book Fair. Thank you to everyone who came out last night to our Open House and today to our Book Fair events!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Morning Message- Book Fair begins today and runs through Friday at noon. Open House is Tuesday evening from 5:30-6:30pm. Book Fair Grand Events are Wednesday: "Breakfast & Books" before school, 7-8am & "Grand Event" after school, 2:30-3:30pm. School Pictures are Thursday.
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Reminder: Tomorrow, Friday, September 13th is an early dismissal day. Town students are dismissed at 11:10am. There is no afternoon E.C. or PreK classes tomorrow. Happy Friday & have a great weekend!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 11, is Patriot Day. Staff and Students are encouraged to wear RED, WHITE & BLUE in honor & remembrance of those who were injured or lost their lives during the 911 attacks.
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Message Brought in Birthday Treats should be prepackaged.Large cookies & cakes that have to be cut are not allowed & large cupcakes are discouraged. Mini cupcakes & fruit snacks are great! If you purchased the birthday bag, no need to send something.The snack is included.
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
It was a fabulous Friday & another fun week at Zahnow! We had our Intruder Drill.The students were awesome, followed directions & were quiet. A pamphlet will be sent via skyward for you to read, and our first "I AM PAWSOME" students of character were recognized for Cooperation!
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
Monday Morning-Tuesday Message reminders to will help your child at school: Put their names in backpacks & lunchboxes on the inside. Check folders each night. Send them in appropriate shoes for playing outside. And, hug your child & let them know you are proud of him/her! We are.
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner
PreK and Early Childhood do not have afternoon classes tomorrow due to the early dismissal. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Mary Gardner