Good afternoon WCUSD5 families.
As we prepare for the return to in-person learning, we wanted to share some information on busing with you.
Buses will be running routes in the AM and PM. These routes will be finalized early next week, at which time we will share the information with you.
If your child needs picked up or dropped off to a location other than your home address, please fill out the form below. (Last year's form will not transfer to this year).
This needs to be done for EACH of your students who needs an alternate bus route.
Thank you!

Please click the following link for an announcement by WCUSD #5 regarding a return to in-person learning. shorturl.at/uwzK4

New Free Meal Link for Wednesday, September 16th Pick Up:

**DON'T FORGET MEAL PICK UP IS TODAY FROM 4PM-6PM AT THE HIGH SCHOOL ** WCUSD#5 IS NOW OFFERING FREE MEALS TO ALL CHILDREN 1 YEAR OF AGE TO 18 YEARS. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHER LOCAL FAMILIES IN NEED WHO ARE NOT RECEIVING MEALS ELSEWHERE. This Sign Up form is for meals to be PICKED UP- Wednesday, September 16th - 4pm to 6pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria. Complete the Order Form below for Thursday, Friday and Monday's meals ( September 17th, 18th and 21st). IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM. Complete one form for each child in your household.
WCUSD#5 IS NOW OFFERING FREE MEALS TO ALL CHILDREN 1 YEAR OF AGE TO 18 YEARS. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHER LOCAL FAMILIES IN NEED WHO ARE NOT RECEIVING MEALS ELSEWHERE. This Sign Up form is for meals to be PICKED UP- MONDAY, September 14th - 4pm to 6pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria. Complete the Order Form below for Tuesday and Wednesday's meals ( September 15th and 16th). IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM. Complete one form for each child in your household. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdn3zTub-7ZLLiZwS2Oy-1L8GG5mi4W9JmXl6ZTJ8xmZgd8rw/viewform

WCUSD#5 IS NOW OFFERING FREE MEALS TO ALL CHILDREN 1 YEAR OF AGE TO 18 YEARS. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHER LOCAL FAMILIES IN NEED WHO ARE NOT RECEIVING MEALS ELSEWHERE. This Sign Up form is for meals to be PICKED UP- MONDAY, September 14th - 4pm to 6pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria. Complete the Order Form below for Tuesday and Wednesday's meals ( September 15th and 16th). IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM. Complete one form for each child in your household.

This Sign Up for is for meals to be PICKED UP- WEDNESDAY, September 9th - 4pm to 6pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria. Complete the Order Form below for Thursday, Friday and Monday's meals ( September 10th, 11th and 14th). IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM. Complete one form for each child in your household.

Sign Up for WCUSD5's "grab and go" meals for PICK UP- WEDNESDAY, September 2nd - 4pm to 6pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria. Complete the Breakfast and Lunch Order Form below for Tuesday and Wednesday's meals. If you are not interested in participating, do not complete this form. Complete one form for each enrolled student. Meals will be charged to your student's lunch account per their free, reduced or paid meal status. (We encourage any family in need of meal assistance to apply for Free/Reduced meals). docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/778881/F-R_application_SY_20-21.pdf
** https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSed_wUVhZu80q-Vv7NwglFwhuQ4DLQg1_qm-X3DWXPveXI5sQ/viewform

Sign Up for WCUSD5's "grab and go" meals for PICK UP Monday, August 31st - 4pm to 6pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria. Complete the Breakfast and Lunch Order Form below for Tuesday and Wednesday's meals. If you are not interested in participating, do not complete this form. Complete one form for each enrolled student. Meals will be charged to your student's lunch account per their free, reduced or paid meal status. (We encourage any family in need of meal assistance to apply for Free/Reduced meals).

Sign Up for WCUSD5's "grab and go" meals for PICK UP Wednesday, August 26th - 4pm to 6pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria. Complete the Breakfast and Lunch Order Form below for Thursday, Friday and Monday's meals. If you are not interested in participating, do not complete this form. Complete one form for each enrolled student. Meals will be charged to your student's lunch account per their free, reduced or paid meal status. (We encourage any family in need of meal assistance to apply for Free/Reduced meals).

Time to sign up for WCUSD5's "grab and go" meals for PICK UP Monday, August 24th - 4pm to 6pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria. Complete the Breakfast and Lunch Order Form below for Tuesday and Wednesday's meals. If you are not interested in participating, do not complete this form. Complete one form for each enrolled student. Meals will be charged to your student's lunch account per their free, reduced or paid meal status. (We encourage any family in need of meal assistance to apply for Free/Reduced meals).

Time to sign up for WCUSD5's "grab and go" meals for PICK UP Monday, August 24th - 4pm to 6pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria.
Complete the Breakfast and Lunch Order Form below for Tuesday and Wednesday's meals.
If you are not interested in participating, do not complete this form.
Complete one form for each enrolled student.
Meals will be charged to your student's lunch account per their free, reduced or paid meal status. (We encourage any family in need of meal assistance to apply for Free/Reduced meals).

The Waterloo School District is offering enrolled students "grab and go" meals this school year. The first week of meals (all meals at once) will be available for PICK-UP on Wednesday, August 19th from 4 pm to 6 pm at the Waterloo High School Cafeteria.
Complete the Breakfast and Lunch Order From to sign-up for the grab and go meals for next week. If you are not interested in participating, do not complete this form. If you are requesting for more than one student in your household, please complete a separate form for each child you are requesting meals for.
Meals will be charged to your student's lunch account per their free, reduced or paid meal status. (We encourage any family in need of meal assistance to apply for this program.)

The Waterloo School District will be offering students "grab and go" meals this school year beginning on August 19th, 2020. Meals will be available for PICK-UP EACH DAY at one of our schools. This survey is only to assist us in determining the interest of our student body at this time.
Meals will be charged to your student's lunch account per their free, reduced or paid meal status. The free and reduced application is available in your email or on our website. We encourage all eligible families to apply. Applications should be returned to the Cafeteria Director, Ruth Mason.
If you are interested in meals for your child(ren), please complete one survey per registered WCUSD #5 student in your household. If you are not interested in participating, you do not need to complete the survey.
https://bit.ly/31r5Ujl Questions?
Please contact the Director of Cafeterias: rmm@wcusd5.net or 939-3454

Please see the attached flyer from HTC for students who do not currently have internet access.

Waterloo Families,
All students will need an internet ready device (other than a phone) with a keyboard, camera, and microphone to engage in remote learning. If you need assistance with acquiring a device or internet access, please complete the Technology/Internet Access Survey below. Someone will be contacting those who state they need assistance within the next two weeks.

Please read the attached letter from WCUSD#5 for information on remotely starting the 2020-2021 school year.

House of Neighborly Service will be providing summer lunch for families starting June 1st and ending mid August. For more information, click here: shorturl.at/erwx4

The WHS Agriculture Department has greenhouse plant sales available via curbside pick up. Visit the following website to order. You will be notified when your items are ready for pick up. Thank you for your continued support!

Our Remote Learning Plan and FAQs are available at www.wcusd5.net. Let me know if you still have questions... https://forms.gle/aYArEpvuPKx3o3H99
Brian Charron, Supt.

Please complete the online access survey as soon as possible to help in our Remote Learning planning.
- Brian Charron, Supt.